Hilda Ovalle
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis just before retiring from my teaching profession in 2011.After different frightening symptoms that many doctors could not identify, the proper blood test indicated that I was suffering from RA. This prompted me to do some research about the disease. The research findings were more frightening than the symptoms I had experienced thus far. Needless to say, I was eager to be placed on the proper medication for RA. The doctor placed me on Methotrexate, a medication that is at times prescribed to cancer patients as well. Shortly after taking Methotrexate, I began to lose my hair and to experience fever that would render me sick. As an alternative, the doctor then prescribed Hydroxychloroquine. Said medication worked well for the next four years, but recently, I began to feel pain and stiffness of the knees and shoulder articulations. I feared being placed back on medications that have serious side effects. However, enduring constant pain and discomfort can be depressing at times so I just had to change my treatment.
I decided to research for natural treatment, which in turn led me to Mr.Zemin Hu. After an interview with Mr. Zemin Hu in February of 2017, I began to take the Herbal tea treatment. One month into the treatment I could already feel better. It is now the end of my second treatment month and there has been further improvement of the pain and stiffness of both my knees and shoulders. In fact, I have felt a general improvement of my mood and energy level. I felt fortunate in finding the treatment provided by Mr. Zemin Hu.
March 31,2017
I, Hilda Ovalle, do hereby authorize Zemin RA LLC, to publish my written and video testimonials on their website.

*These are results of individuals.Individual results may vary.