Bian asked: "Have you buried the Prince?"
The servant replied: "Not yet. It is less than half a day after his death."
Bian requested to enter for a check and said that the Prince might resurrect.
The servant said with his doubted eyes widely opened: “Gentleman, are you kidding! Even a child would not believe it."
Bian became very anxious because the servant was risking a better chance for rescuing. Suddenly, he got an idea and said: “Go to check whether the Prince’s nose is flapping, and his inner thigh is still warm or not, and you will believe me."
The servant told his King about it with a grain of salt. The King was very surprised. He invited Bian into the palace immediately and said with bitter tears: “ I have long heard of you. It’s my honor to have your help or my son would die".
Bian comforted the King and asked his apprentice Zi Yang to polish a stone needle for acupuncture. He sticked the Prince’s head at his Baihui acupoint. For a while, the Prince gradually recovered and woke up unexpectedly. Bian then asked his apprentice Zi Bao to cure the patients with moxibustion, which helped the Prince sat up slowly! And after a further conditioning with TCM for twenty days, the Prince got his health back.
The story was quickly spread far and wide. And wherever Bian were, people introduced him with the line, "He is the doctor bring resurrection of the dead!"
Bian would reply with a humble smile: "That is out of my ability. The Prince was suffering from a disease called corpselike syncope, which means he was not dead. And I just woke him up. That’s it."